Michael J - 6 Year Update*

Michael J - 6 Year Update*
  • About six years ago, I weighed 440 lbs. I was 59 yrs old and could literally dying. I had no energy and the slightest chore seemed a great undertaking. You could hear me breathing across a room. I'm 6'4" Y'all and gained 150 lbs in two years. I was wearing a size 54 in the waist and size 3 and 4 X shirts. Diets didn't work and I didn't have the energy to work out, I had a very stressful Chair job. Realizing that I had to do something about my weight if I wanted to live. An acquaintance gave me the number of BeLiteWeight. I made the call, They were great!

    It was simple easy and affordable. My surgery was in Juarez. Very modern and clean facility. The staff was professional and personable. I underwent surgery the next morning, It was quick and the most pain free procedure, I've ever had. This was a Wednesday, Friday we went to the airport and flew home to Mississippi . I have lost 180 lbs and feel soooo much better. I would recommend anyone do consider contacting, BeLiteWeight if you want to overcome a weight problem. They will save you a lot of work and they follow up to check your progress. I give em 5 stars


    Gastric Sleeve

    Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

    *See Below
