Bobby C - 11 Month Update*

Bobby C - 11 Month Update*
  • Forgot to tell you the total weight loss after 11 months was :   155 lbs. !!!!   O N E   H U N D R E D  AND  F I F T Y - F I V E  POUNDS!!    SO HAPPY and Pleased and I am a completely DIFFERENT HUMAN BEING...I FEEL 20 YRS. YOUNGER THAN BEFORE.  I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!!! I pray for MANY Blessings to come your way for being willing to go the extra mile despite my credit history....ALLOWING MY VERY OLD STEP FATHER TO CO-SIGN FOR ME. YOU ARE AWESOME!!*


    Surgeons Jose Rodriguez and Elmo Aramburo

    Procedure Gastric Bypass


    *See Below
