I am working as a Respiratory Therapist. I started at 700lbs. I could barely get off the couch without being in constant pain. Now at 1.75 years after surgery I have lost close to 400lbs. Though my weight loss has slown down I still am losing about 1-3 lbs every week or so. I went from not being able to walk to being on my feet for 12 hour shifts. At times I have found myself running to answer Codes in the hospital. I can climb stairs and not be out of breath. In short, I not only am able to live my life, but most important I can play with my little girl. I'm living a full life doing things I had imagined were only in my past. I had been told by everyone I'd never get the surgery, then my wife found Beliteweight.com. After my first conversation we had the money and trip schedule within 3 weeks and my life was on track to being what I now have. Thanks for this service! You all are great! I may save lives on a daily bases but you saved my life!
Procedure : Gastric Sleeve
Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, M.D., F.A.C.S.
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