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Carla T*

Carla T*
  • Hi Joanne,

    This whole process has been tremendously easy and exciting. Let me start by saying how appreciative I am for your company's mission to offer safe affordable bariatric surgeries.  My sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Juarez by Dr. Rodriguez on March 25th, 2014 was the beginning of a new chapter in my life! 

    The hospital and staff were awesome and the recovery was amazingly easy. I have strived to follow the doctor's instructions of drinking 64 ozs of water, taking my vitamins, and eating predominantly lean protein sources daily. I have lost 119 lbs in just under 8 months* and have 50 more to go to reach my goal. Since the surgery I no longer take blood pressure medication and my feet and knees no longer hurt which has enabled me to be so much more active with my family!

    This has been a spectacular gift for my upcoming 50th birthday!   I wish you would share my experiences and thaks with the hospital and BeLiteWeight staff to let them know how grateful I am for the work that they are doing.
    Please feel free to use me as a reference for your company.  I would be honored to be able to help someone else begin their journey to being healthier!

    Carla T


    *See below
