With Barbecue season under full swing it is time to bring out the big guns and cook up the cheese and bacon! Or maybe its best to stay health conscious… Well with this new recipe you won’t even have to compromise. Many flee at the thought of vegetables but when prepared well they are really one of the tastiest options. Not to mention being full of nutritious vitamins and organic compounds that fight deterioration and disease! This recipe is so simple, delicious, nutritious, and family-friendly that the BeLiteWeight team is confident if you take the time to test it out you will be well rewarded!
Only Five Ingredients
1- Fresh Greens (Broccoli / Spinach)
2 – Diced Onions
3 – Sliced Almonds
4 – Keto Ranch Dressing
5 – Smoked Hormone Free Bacon
Just 3 Steps
1 – Cook the Bacon
2 – Chop the Greens, Dice the Onions, and Slice the Almonds
3 – Throw them in a bowl and take them out to your next barbecue!
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Recipe Adapted from: