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gastric sleeve

Kroeger D- update after 2 years

Had the gastric sleeve on 5/14/2022

Surgeon - Dr Jose Rodriguez and Dr Rafael Vizcarra

Feedback from client - 

"I am doing great! I have been between my happy spot! 125 - 135. I have been maintaining my happy weight!"

Gastric bypass revision

Janice C- Gastric bypass revision

Had the gastric sleeve to bypass revision on 4/28/2021

Surgeon - Dr Jose Rodriguez and Dr Rafael Vizcarra

Patient's feedback -

"Size 4 and I feel great! Wish I had done this sooner!"

mini gastric bypass

Cadi Hunsaker - 2 years after surgery

Patient's review

Since my surgery I've found a new zest for life. I have a lot more energy which allows me to do more with my kids. I have more confidence in myself. I can also shop for clothes online and I know they'll fit.  This wasn't the case before and buying clothes is fun now! I have arthritis although it'll never go away, less weight on my bones gives me a little bit of relief. 

surgeons - Surgeon Dr Jose Rodriguez and Dr Rafael Vizcarra

gastric sleeve

Sherrie Guilliams- 1 year after gastric sleeve

Down to 120 pounds. Been at a stall the last three or four weeks.
Huge difference in my size!!
I went from barely fitting into a size 14 to a size 3, being a little loose now


Surgery type - Gastric Sleeve

Surgeon- The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

McDonald - 4 years after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

McDonald - 4 years after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

That's a recent pic I have maintained my weight I am actually still losing my A1c has went from 13.4 to currently 5.4 I am actually 217


Type of surgery- Gastric Sleeve

Date of surgery - 03/18/2020

Surgeon- The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

Marathon after Surgery

Garcia- 1 year after Gastric Sleeve - Bonus Marathon


I am extremely happy my only regret is not doing it sooner. I have lost the 68lbs. I'm not at my goal of 100lbs but I started running last summer. I will be doing my first half marathon April 28th and full marathon at the end of year. None of this would be possible if not for my weight loss surgery. I still plan on working on losing the lost 30lbs but I'll refocus once I get done with my half marathon training.

I can't thank you and your team enough, you have changed my life and I would not have been able to on my own." Here are some of photos from my half marathon, I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it I finished 4 minutes past my goal but I had a lot of fun and it couldn't of been possible without you guys at BeLiteWeight "

Date of surgery- 4/25/2023

Type of Surgery- Gastric sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

Gastric sleeve

David R- 2 years after RNY gastric bypass

I started my weight loss at 685 lbs and lost weight on my own, down to 454 lbs before I then stalled. I contacted BeLiteWeight to help me finish the job. I had the RNY Bypass in May of 2022.
I am currently UNDER my goal weight, now at 247 lbs and still losing!

Type of surgery - RNY gastric Bypass

Date of Surgery- 4/25/2023

Surgeon- Dr. Jose Rodriguez- Dr Rafael

Teresa Diane S -2 Year After Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

I have pretty much maintained  my weight. I am doing well. My life has changed  so much for the better. More energy, I feel great, staying active with my grands. The surgery  was definitely  one of the best things I ever did for myself.  Thank you.


Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below


Michelle W - 2 Year After Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Have lost way more since last update I think I am just maintaining now. Current weight 138


Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below



Brittany B - 1 Year After Gastric Sleeve

Thanks for reaching out, I can't believe I've been on this journey for nearly a year. I'm down 94 pounds. Starting weight was 292 and I'm currently 198. I feel so much better. Life has been such a blessing. I'm off my blood pressure medications now. My self confidence is at an all time high. I'm so thankful for this opportunity, and for the new lifestyle I have now. Thanks again.


Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Linda G - 3 Year After Band to RNY Bypass

All is well .. 3 yrs and maintaining 155 lbs .. still active in the gym just trying to build muscle which is a challenge.One picture was 9 yrs ago when I decided to start working out.Second one - this was last weeks picture. Pretty fit .. long ways from where I was.


Band to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Prisma R - 1 Year After Metabolic RNY Bypass for Diabetes

 I started at 280 a year ago and now I'm at 149 and I feel fabulous.


Metabolic RNY Bypass for Diabetes

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Before And After

Lisa H - 3 Year After Gastric Sleeve


I didn't begin putting on extra weight until after high school. I was very active playing basketball and softball so extra pounds had never been a concern for me. Over the next couple of decades, I would lose and gain the same weight using all the fads and pills. I finally made the decision in 2020 to have Gastric Sleeve Surgery. BeLiteWeight was recommended by a colleague and so began my journey.

My insurance did not cover bariatric surgery of any kind for any reason. Being able to use this company has been a life changer for me. On the day of surgery in March of 2021, I was over 300 pounds. As of March 2024, I maintain a weight between 125-130 pounds. I have been able to run in several 5K's and I also work out using an elliptical and lift weights 3-4 times a week. (Women, lean muscle mass is very important for us!) In 2023 I began having skin removal surgeries as well. I won't be able to get it all removed, but I am satisfied with what I've been able to do up until this point as these procedures are painful and take time to recover. I am not shy about sharing my story as this will change your life.

The surgery was the easy part as recovery was simple. The difficult part is making the decision each day to move your body to reach your health goals. I still struggle with wanting to overeat, but my body just won't allow it anymore. It's not a magical solution as you can still gain the weight back, just by eating smaller portions during the day. It's still a decision I have to make every day and will have to make in the future to continue to be able to live the life I want. I know my story has already helped others and I hope it can help you as well. Please reach out if you have any questions as this truly is a life-changing decision. 

I would be remiss if I didn't mention this as well...not everyone will be on your side as you go through this process. You will hear things like, 'oh, I didn't know you had surgery, I thought you did it the natural way', 'what are you going to do with all the flabby skin', and my least favorite is when you find out the nice things said to your face are not always what was said behind your back...yes, I know. Anyway, people are going to have their own opinions no matter what you do, but this is about you and your goals so go out there and make them a reality!

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below


Before And After

Kemi L - 2 Year After Gastric Sleeve


Yes I'm still at the same address. And I'm maintaining my weight between 240 -255. Thanks for checking on me 


Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Weight Loss After And Before

Tiffany B - 4 Year Update*

3 years for my mom's successful bypass

4 years for me on my revision! Holding around 140 lbs, a total of 90 pounds off.


RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Cassandra B - 6 Month Update*

I'm doing good. I'm at 128 now. I'm still not eating  real good but I use protein powered to make up for it. This is me as of today. I went from a size 16/18 to a size 1/3. 

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Adam & Amanda - 2 Year Update*

We are maintaining now! 

Adam: RNY Bypass

Amanda: Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Jericho D - 4 Year Update*

Hi Ms. JoAnne,

I'm doing GREAT...  I am done losing weight, my lowest was 143 2 yrs ago, I felt that was too much and I gained a few to 150 and was there for a bit and now I'm at 165 and been maintaining that for over a year.     This was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  I've recommended so many people to you guys.   I talk to a lot of people and know many that have had the surgery and didn't keep the weight off, not sure how or why because I find it so easy to eat healthy and not over eat anymore.

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Kathy D - 4 Year Update*

I never got to my goal weight. However I came within 5 lbs of it.  I have gained about 15 back but I'm staying steady for quite awhile with that.  I would love to lose 20 or 25 more lbs to make it a perfect success.  Overall I'm very happy I had the surgery because I feel so much better with my weight now even tho it isn't where I want to be yet.  So I'm still striving! Weight loss 240 to 160.

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Mickieae R - 3 Year Update*

I'm doing well I've been at the same weight for over a year. Wanting to gain a couple pounds.

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Kayla M - 1 Year Update*

Hi! I'm doing well I'm down around 60 lbs and have met my goat weight!

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Wendy T - 1 Year Update*

Yes it's been a year and I have lost 100Lb. Doing great thus far. Thanks for the check in.

Mini Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Stephanie A - 2 Year Update*

Hi JoAnne! Great hearing from you. Doctors feel like I have done well keeping weight off. I fluctuate within 5lbs.  Still at 140 lbs. loss.

Metabolic RNY Gastric Bypass for Diabetes

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Larry D - 2 Year Update*

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Sarah F - 4 Year Update*

Hey JoAnne, 
I am doing great. Not done losing yet. Got about 17lbs to go, so I'm 206lbs down (Started at 365). Woohoo.   

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Roberta J - 4 Year Update*

Hi, I am doing well ty!!! I'm at 164 now!!! And closer to my 150 goal. I'm about 15 pounds lighter than last pic.Size 8 and Medium now.

Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Lori H - 1 Year Update*

Hi JoAnne things have been good. I've went from 379 to 220. I kinda haven't lost anymore weight then that. My life is on the go day in and day out. I need to get back on track. I do believe it was the best decision I made. 

Mini Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below


Cristie M - 3 Year Update*

My before and  my most recent photo. I am feeling great, and around 120 pounds down. 
I have actually continued loosing weight. I have slowly lost 10 lbs in the past year. 

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Brooke H - 1 Year Update*

The photos are 1 year apart. 305lbs to 210lbs. I'm able to play with my kids, I don't have to shop in the plus size section anymore. The first time I ordered a large sweatshirt online I just knew it wasn't going to fit me but it fits perfectly. I also meant to add I've been able to get off one of my antidepressants that I've been taking for years! Best decision I've ever made!

Duodenal Switch

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Melinda L - 2 Year Update*

Hi JoAnne
I can't believe it's been 2 years already!!! 

So I started at 185(ish) 
And in the first 6 months I lost 35 pounds, and then lost another 40 pounds after that. 
So I was at 110 for a bit and worked on actually putting ON a few pounds. I could hardly believe I had to TRY to gain some weight. It was awesome.

I have evened out at 115 and it's absolutely perfect. I'm able to go jogging almost daily, which I love. And I'm getting some muscle tone back as well. 

The whole experience has been wonderful and I would do it again in a heartbeat!! 

Thank you for everything!!

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Mindy M - 2 Year Update*

I am doing good at 263 (down 100). So not where I want to be but still working on it. That is my address and email is correct.

Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Victoria B - 1 Year Update*

I started out at 356 and am down to 208. Still working on it. Best decision I ever made!

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Este W - 5.5 Year Update*

Down 173 pounds

Mini Gastric Bypass - Single Anastamosis Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Wendy N - 6 Month Update

Wendy N - 6 Month Update*

Her latest feedbacks

On 3/15/2024 :

"Good morning! I just wanted to share with you that I FINALLY got my original goal weight. Only took like 7y and 4 months, no biggie"

 April 18, 2024

"Good morning. Just wanted to tell you that I hit a MAJOR milestone yesterday at 155 lbs.....300 lbs lost from my heaviest weight. That's huge. And I couldn't figure out how to post it on the website directly"


Hi JoAnne, thanks for checking on me.  It's been a long 6 months between the mental and physical healing, but I think I'm doing OK. I was hoping to have dropped a few more lbs by now however I had an original goal weight at the 6 month mark of 175 and this past week i have been between 174 and 176, so I will take that as a win even though my overall goal of 160 seems unlikely. I'm going to send a few pics as well so you can see the progress. I consider myself a surgery success at this point.  Happy Holidays

Starting Weight - 235

Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Kim H - 3 Year Update*

Hi JoAnne. I don't think I am losing anymore. Just maintaining I think. I try not to focus on my weight number too much. I still can only eat a portion of what I used to and end up feeling very full sometimes. I still try not to get to that point but sometimes around the holidays it's difficult lol. I'm really not where I would like to be weight wise but have lost enough that I no longer have health issues. I feel like I'm at a good weight now but vanity wise I'd prefer to lose more but it's just a mental thing really. I'm happy I had the surgery done overall. Thanks for checking in on me. Here is a photo of me with my 2 daughters. I'm in the white flowered shirt.

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Raine U - 6 Month Update*


I am doing amazing thank you:) 
I have exceeded my weight reduction goal! I've lost 67lbs taking me from 205lbs to 138lbs. My BMI has gone from 33.2 to 21.1 the last 6 months.

I'm so thankful I choose to have the VSG revision to gastric bypass! Thank you all for everything!!

Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Angela B - 1 Year Update*

My journey has been amazing. Yes one whole year and I've lost 197 pounds! I weigh 239Ibs (Started pre-op around 435). It sure is a blessing. It has been quite the challenge for myself. But I have never been more proud and grateful for myself with plan to keep going and just keep working hard for myself. And I thank your team once again. And thank you for checking in!!

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Jessica Y - 6 Month Update*

Everything is going great! No issues at all at this point. I'm down 90 pounds!

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below


James M - 9 Month Update*

Surgery on 3-11-2023 till now - Has lost 130 pounds.

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below


Brittany S - 3 Year Update*

Hi JoAnne! I'm doing well. I've gained a bit back but only about 5-7lbs. Otherwise I'm still maintaining.

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Lisa H - 2.75 Year Update*

I'm down 175 pounds now and wearing a size 4. 

Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Cleona B - 4 Year Update*

I'm doing fine. I am 108 pounds and holding.

RNY Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Vickie B - 1 Year Update*

Yes I am glad yesterday was one year I am down 137lbs and from 44 in men's to size 6 in women clothes doing great hopefully I can lose some more weight and get some skin removal done eventually!!

Gastric Bypass

Surgeons: Insurance Patient

*See Below

Weight Loss Surgery Before and After

Katarina R - 6.75 Year Update*

My top weight was 300 lbs. Surgery was feb 2017.

This is today - 156 pounds!


Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Weight Loss Surgery Before and After

Don L - 7 Year Update*

Hello! Here are some new pics for your website.


Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

Weight Loss Surgery Before and After

Tristynn F - 1 Year Update*

I'm Great - I'm down 180lbs!!!


Metabolic RNY Bypass

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below

Weight Loss Surgery Before and After

Laisa N - 2 Year Update*

Hello! I'm currently maintaining between 167-172 pounds. I feel fantastic!

The surgeries were life changing! I appreciate all of you for helping me along this journey.

Thank you very much!


Sleeve to RNY Bypass Revision

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS 

*See Below


Jesse R - 6 Month Update*

I'm doing great!! I have gotten down to 200 lbs and feel fantastic. Need to buy new close at some point.


Gastric Sleeve

Surgeons: The surgical team of Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal, MD, FACS

*See Below

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