We are thrilled to announce that all two of our Juarez surgical team members are now Fellows of the American College of Surgeons (F.A.C.S.). Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal became a Fellow back in 2016 and just recently, Dr. Rafael Vizcarra have received their credentials as well. This is a huge accomplishment and great honor for them, and we are so proud to work with such a distinguished group of surgeons.

The letters F.A.C.S. (Fellow of the American College of Surgeons) after a surgeon’s name are an indication to the patient that the surgeon has passed a thorough evaluation of both professional competence and ethical fitness. Fellows are board-certified surgeons or, in unusual circumstances, have met other standards comparable to board certification. A Fellow has committed herself (himself) unequivocally to place the welfare of her (his) patients above any other consideration; to avoid division of fees with other physicians; to make her (his) fees commensurate with the services she (he) renders; and to refrain from performing unjustified operations.
The link above describes what it is to be a Fellow. (F.A.C.S.) and the section to read is #2.
It’s important to
distinguish the difference between an “Associate” and a “Fellow”. Some surgeons
pay a fee to become an “Associate” member, however, you cannot buy a
Fellowship, it must be earned. The College admits to its Fellowship only
those surgeons whose professional activity is devoted to surgical practice and
who agree without compromise to practice by its professional and ethical
The F.A.C.S. credential exists to foster the professional growth and
development of surgeons, to promote high standards and best practices in
surgical care, and to establish and maintain the patients’ confidence in the
ability and integrity of their surgeon.
You can check ANY surgeons F.A.C.S. standing here (be sure to choose the country of the surgeon on the left side before searching): CLICK HERE