Why wait to start the healthy new year on January 1? Let’s start today on New Year’s Eve! Here is an idea for… chips! 😀 Which all of us love so much!

Our chips are healthy, simple and quick to make so they are also perfect as a last minute snack before the party! The main ingredient is… avocado… once again… but it is one of our favorite vegetables Avocados give you a wide range of possibilities to prepare for all kinds of wonderful culinary delights. Last time you had something sweet with the Christmas muffins so today lets try something salty like Parmesan avocado chips.  Sounds great right?

Parmesan-Avocado Chips Recipe

& Let’s start before the final stroke of midnight 😉

Ingredients: (for about 12 chips)

1 large avocado

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Half cup Parmesan cheese

Half teaspoon garlic powder

Half teaspoon onion powder

Half teaspoon Italian herb

Salt, pepper

You can also try adding oregano or your other favorite spices

Preparation :

Preheat oven to 360 degrees

Blend all ingredients in a blender

Use silicone baking mat (you can use baking paper)

Apply a tablespoon of mix and spread it lightly  and use your hand to shape the chips

Bake all for about 20 minutes until crispy (Check every few minutes to see if your crisps are thin. It may take shorter or longer depending on how thick).

After baking let them cool down for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

Now that these healthy and delicious chips. The Parmesan-Avocado Chips Recipe ready for consumption we hope they will be a pleasant addition to the end of 2020.

Happy and healthy New Year 😊

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