The New Year is a unique date for all of us. The old year ends, the new begins. It’s a bit like a new chapter with a new clean page that we get to write down from scratch. That is why we summarize our last year and plan many fresh goals during the New Year’s Eve. Among the most common goal is losing weight. Is this a good time to start a diet? It can be! Here is how to start the new year positively and reach your new weight goals next year.
1. Specify your goal
Focus on what you really want. “I want to lose weight” is not enough. Be more specific “I want lose 5lb by the end of next month”
2. Don’t wait for the “right moment” to make a change
Change doesn’t have to start with the New Year. Every moment is good to start working on yourself.
3. Use the rule of small steps
You don’t have to change your whole life right away. Several resolutions at once usually require too much time and energy.
4. Appreciate the support of your friends and family
They are the ones who will motivate you in the moments of greatest weakness.
5. Enjoy your small successes
Did you lose the first pound? Celebrate it (but not with a piece of cream cake 😉 ) Don’t wait to be joyful when you lose your those couple pounds. Appreciating yourself and your successes during the process helps you keep your resolve.
6. Think about change as often as possible
New habits require the creation of new neural connections in the brain. The sooner this happens, the easier the new habit “gets into blood.” It is important to visualize the new behavior and think about it frequently.
7. Live for today
Focus on the present and what you can do today to achieve your goal.
For more information on Gastric Weight Loss Surgery and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today at 1-800-215-6497!