Anais’s story is short but in her own words exciting. The latest BeLiteWeight update shows how going through weight loss surgery can lead to changes in new healthy habits for not only our patients but their families as well.

After witnessing Anais’ commitment to a healthier lifestyle her husband decided to make some changes as well. Here is what Anais wrote to us:

It’s been a journey. I lost from like 172 to I’m down to 120.I’m so happy with the weight loss. My face is clear. My activity level is so high and working out at the gym consistently. My husband has been super supportive and lost 20 pounds himself and lost enough to join the Navy. We are so excited!

Doesn’t she look beautiful in her wedding dress?  🙂  We congratulate you on this wonderful accomplishment and wish the best of luck for both of you in your new lives together !

For more information on Gastric Weight Loss Surgery and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today at 1-800-215-6497!

If you have any updates of your weight loss achievements that you would like shared please send them to