Simply having a messy apartment can make it much more difficult to keep to a diet. Disorder itself causes stress, which can easily lead to worse food choices and more snacking throughout the day. Our food choices are more likely to receive lower-quality meals when we are anxious.
But order in the apartment is not enough. To make our diet more effective it is also very important to maintain a clean mind with internal peace and harmony. Soul order is a very important element in the weight loss process.
Emotions often drive overeating and the end result is often the same. The happiness of eating is temporary and the emotions return. Afterwards there is the additional burden of guilt for setting stepping back from the intended weight-loss goal. This often starts the unhealthy cycle all over again with emotions triggering overeating.
So when negative emotions threaten to trigger emotional eating, here are some steps you can use to control your cravings.
YOU Time. Try to relax
For example, listen to your favorite music or do some yoga and stretching
Have a hunger reality check.
Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don’t have a rumbling stomach, you’re probably not hungry. Give the craving time to pass.
Get support.
You’re more likely to give in to emotional eating if you lack a good supportive network. Lean on family and friends or consider joining a social group.
Fight boredom.
Instead of snacking when you’re not hungry, distract yourself and substitute a healthier behavior. Take a walk, watch a movie, play with your dog, read etc.
Hopefully some of you are now surprised to understand how keeping order can help us with our weight goals. Now after reading this article we hope it will be easier for you to motivate yourself, starting from the inside 🙂
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