After our patients have their weight loss surgery, we like to follow up with them regularly to see how their progress is going. Amanda has been maintaining after 6 years with her Gastric Sleeve surgery and is doing great. Here is her update:

I am doing great and have maintained my weight loss. The surgery helped with not just the weight but the bloating and digestion issues I was having. I do experience tremendous heart burn and have to take medicine daily for that but otherwise, all is great and I am thankful everyday that I had my surgery!

Congrats Amanda! You’ve done excellent! Maintaining long term can be a challenge for some, but we are so glad to see you are still doing well, so long after surgery. Keep up the good work!


Even though you may experience some side effects, like Amanda did, the benefits of losing the weight and becoming healthier will be worth it.

If you are interested in having your own Gastric Sleeve surgery, or for more information, please visit or call us at (800) 215-6497.