Dietary fiber is the only type of “harmless” carbohydrate and is mostly non-starchy carbohydrate that the human body cannot digest. Interestingly, in the past fiber was considered unnecessary and only litters our digestive system and impairing the absorption of various substances. As science and knowledge progressed there began many reports about the beneficial effects of fiber. It was supposed to protect against diabetes, heart attacks and some said it cured cancer. But now we know that it is what are the benefits and what we can leave for fairy tales.
A few facts:
Fiber, being a non-digestible filler, causes a faster feeling of fullness (full stomach). People who eat a lot of fiber, yes, they are actually leaner and healthier, BUT not because fiber has a beneficial effect on their bodies, but because they eat less (and provide the body with less energy and digestible carbohydrates).
Certain types of fiber feed on the bacteria that live in our colon. These bacteria convert cellulose and other fiber carbohydrates into certain vitamins and short-chain fatty acids that provide energy for the cells in the lining of the gut and reduce inflammation in the body. Another side Fiber can have a negative impact on our health, because it reduces the absorption of many substances, both harmful and beneficial (some vitamins and useful micronutrients).
Fiber also impairs the absorption of phytoestregens (and other hormones and similar substances from food, e.g. from legumes or industrial meat), which helps with estrogen dominance. Too much estrogen in the body of both men and women is not good and causes many diseases and diseases. There are theories and observations linking eating more fiber to removing estrogen from the gut and lowering its concentration in the blood.
Cereals and similar products contain a lot of fiber that is mainly insoluble fiber and does not give us much health benefit.
As you can see, it is a subject worth exploring. You hear so often that too much fiber can bring us more harm than good. But if you have just the right amount your body will thank you!
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