weight loss surgery vsg gastric sleeve recipes salad dressings

The Spring Equinox on March 20 may officially be the first day of Spring, but April 1st has the emotional appeal of true change. Winter is officially over and to help fully internalize this change BeLiteWeight is giving out all of our favorite Salad dressing recipes. Don't wait to try these zesty sauces!

Low-Carb Caesar

low carb caesar dressing

With fresh lemon juice and garlic this recipe is guaranteed to leave your mouth tangy and stomach wanting more!

Sugar-Free Thousand Island

low carb thousand island dieting gastric sleeve surgery vsg

Clocking in at only 5 ingredients this salad dressing makes a quick addition to some protein!

Feta Vinaigrette Dressing

los carb salad dressing feta vinaigrette

This recipe takes a few minutes of time and a blender but we promise it is worth the wait!

Classic Low-Carb Vinaigrette

low carb vinaigrette salad dressing
Made with raw organic apple cider vinegar, this vinaigrette is full of flavor and helps cut your gut!


For information about Weight Loss Surgery & the Gastric Sleeve call BeLiteWeight today!


Works Cited




Basic Vinaigrette and Variations