When on a diet, or just living a healthy lifestyle, pizza is one of the most forbidden dishes. Everyone loves pizza. It’s not easy for anyone to give up such a beloved dish. Today BeLiteWeight will prove that it is not necessary to suffer with cravings for pizza while dieting. Our team has found a simple healthy recipe that is proven to satisfy😊

-About 5 cups of cauliflower rice. (Try using normal cauliflower in a blender to make your own cauliflower rice)
-2 eggs
-1 Tsp baking powder.
-1 Tsp of spices: oregano, basil, thyme-Large pinch of salt
– A half cup of Parmesan cheese for the dough
– Large pinch of almond flour


What to put on top is all preference. The true secret is the Italian tomato Sauce that we shared before.

In our recipe we suggest:

-Homemade tomato sauce
-Gorgonzola cheese



Preparation :
Make sure the cauliflower rice is pre-cooked which it makes it easier to squeeze the water out. For this purpose use an oven preheated to 400 F and cook for 15 minutes (this is enough for our cauliflower to become soft)

Roll the cauliflower rice into a special material or use a kitchen cloth. Squeeze the water out as much as possible. The rice should be dry and “loose”

Mix with the rest of dough ingredients
  • Shape the dough pizza and put in the oven for 25 minutes. After, turn the pizza crust to the other side so that the dough is very well baked and even dry.

Finally, use your favorite ingredients to top the pizza. We recommend using gorgonzola cheese, balsamic sauce, and fruit which will make the taste properly sophisticated 😉

  • Put your pizza inside the oven for again for 7-10 min

Now you can enjoy delicious pizza without any guilty feeling. It is totally healthy!

Bon Apetit !