Hello Ladies!
I hope you are both doing well and had a lovely Thanksgiving! I wanted to let you know that I am officially at 50 pounds lost! I feel amazing! The sleeve is my dream life! It is not a panacea, I am continuing my therapy with a psychiatrist who specializes in weight loss surgery patients. 🙂
I am 20lbs over what I had lost with the band. I haven’t weighed 210 in about three years! I can fit into a size 16 jeans very comfortably now, and I have bought a few 14’s as well! (I was a tight 18/2XL at surgery time). I went shopping last night and I can fit into size large at many stores! My boobs unfortunately are still gigantic so that makes it a little difficult! Hopefully they will shrink soon.
I love that my co workers are constantly saying how amazed they are at my weight loss. I know it won’t be easy forever, but it still has seemed like a piece of cake. Saying “no” is so much easier these days. Food has lost that “fun event” feeling it had before for me. I am used to the new, smaller portions I eat now and rarely eat until stuffed like I did at first. I learned my lesson with the band….absolutely no ice cream, milk shakes, mashed potatoes, or cream soups for me this time around! (No slider foods!) I’ve been eating a lot of fat free Greek yogurt which is yummy and has lots of protein.
I’ve had no hair loss yet, though I confess I would love to lose some! (Ahh!) I have SO much hair! My hair dresser keeps laughing when I tell her that its possible that I might start losing hair! She says it won’t matter on me! 😉
I will try and take some pictures this weekend. I did something two weeks ago that I haven’t had done since my wedding day over four years ago. I arranged for my husband, me, and our two dogs to get family pictures taken for Christmas. I should get them back today or tomorrow, I will pass them along. 🙂
Thank you so much for enabling me to change my life for the best it could be! I am a happier, healthier person!! No blood pressure meds for me now either!!! I have had it checked since at the doc twice and it’s been NORMAL! Praise The Lord! My outlook on life has improved dramatically! I have more energy, more happiness and my husband and I barely fight anymore. I can’t see this going anywhere but better and better as I continue to shed the weight that’s prevented me from living life to the fullest.
We are going to Hawaii in June and I can’t wait!!! I will feel proud of myself whatever I weigh. I know I will feel marvelous! Four years ago my family went and I weighed 180. I hope I can weigh that or less this time around!
Enough blabbering! Thanks for your support ladies, and god bless BELITEWEIGHT!!! 🙂
Erika L