Weight loss surgery and gastric sleeve surgery can be a rewarding experience for an individual and their family. While many post surgery services will provide help and advice on maintaining your health, there are many simple tips that can help reduce pain, increase energy and improve weight loss.
The following guide provides 15 tips for success after weight loss surgery.
1. It’s important to eat nutrient-rich foods: This includes fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meats. It’s also important to avoid snacking – especially if you’re consuming junk food – and stick to food over sugary and/or carbonated drinks. You can only intake so many calories after surgery, so you need to make sure what you do eat counts.
2. Take a multivitamin every day: A multivitamin can be a great way to provide the body with all necessary nutrients without consuming a lot of food to get the same. It’s best to get your vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements, but because you’re just acclimating to the new you a multivitamin is a good idea.
3. Avoid excessive movement and exercise for at least one month after surgery: However, a 30 minute walk every day can be a great way to boost your metabolism and get you outside for peace of mind.
4. It’s important to understand the limitations of a reduced-quantity diet: Since it won’t be possible to eat as much food after surgery, it’s a good idea to make sure the food youdo eat is healthy. It’s essential to avoid fatty foods like hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries and other fast food items.
5. Fish oil can help improve digestion: Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to improve weight loss and reduce appetite. Dinner idea: grilled salmon with boiled asparagus and quinoa on the side.
6. Avoid strenuous activities for a few days after surgery: Some very strenuous movements can cause a prolapse of the gastric lavage valve.
7. Make sure to finish your course of antibiotics after surgery: This will help reduce the risk of infection.
8. Avoid swimming after surgery: Water from a swimming pool can enter a surgical wound and increase the risk of serious infection.
9. It’s a very good idea to stay in contact with your surgeon after surgery: They will provide recommendations on how to maintain your health and are good people to turn to when you have any questions.
10. Understand the limitations of gastric sleeve surgery: While surgery can reduce appetite, it will not be able to eliminate it entirely. It’s up to you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and change your diet, which is a part of the weight loss surgery process.
11. Avoid excessively greasy foods: In addition to lots of calories, these foods most likely contain saturated fats.
12. Have a friend help you manage your weight loss goals: It’s always nice to have someone there to motivate and remind us of the progress we’ve made and the goals that lie ahead.
13. Chew, chew, chew: After gastric sleeve surgery bigger pieces of food might get caught in your digestive tract and end up being quite painful. It’s also important to thoroughly chew all of your food to reduce the chances of vomiting and/or nausea.
14. Skip out on the cocktails: Your body is more sensitive to alcohol after weight loss surgery, and if you consume too much you can be more at risk to stomach ulcers. Alcohol also provides some of the least nutritious calories you can intake, so it will not help you stay on track of your new diet.
15. Don’t lose motivation: Losing weight takes time; it’s important to take each day as a small step towards success.