protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto

One week in to March with Spring right aroung the corner now is the perfect time to start trying new snacks that are energy boosting and clean fuel for the body! These protein packed ham rolls are guaranteed to make you coming back for more, but not too soon. They are filled with the right balance of protein and natural fats to keep you feeling full off of less food!

They are super simple to make too!


4 Sliced of your local deli’s ham

protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto

1 package of cream cheese (softened)

protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto

4 thin slices of American/Cheddar

protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto

1 Red Bell Pepper

protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto

1/2 Cucumber

protein packed ham rolls vsg gastric surgery sleeve keto


Lather the ham in cream cheese and then slice it in 4 inch pieces along with the cheese, pepper, and cucumber.

Then roll them up! Place Place the cucumber and red pepper on one side of the ham and use it as the center to create teh roll.

It can be really helpful to keep a paper towel around to remove any excess moisture.

*This recipe has been modified from pilcookbooks “Keto Recipes: More than 40 quick and easy favorites”  and is 100 percent keto friendly!

For more information on Gastric Sleeve and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today!