Spring is a time of new beginnings. Snow and ice are replaced by buds and green grass. Frigid temperatures turn warm, and the winter's darkness gives way to longer days.
So why not use the extra hours of daylight to de-clutter.
It's amazing how much stuff a person can accumulate. New clothes and household items are purchased. Birthday gifts are received. Deals too good to pass up keep popping up online. Before you know it, you've got too much stuff–and having too much stuff lying around can make you feel overwhelmed and unable to focus.
So as spring arrives, here are eight things you can easily do-away with–and then focus on enjoying the longer, warmer, greener days:
Kitchen utensils. If you have difficulty opening your utensil drawer, it could be time to throw out some of the older spatulas, serving spoons and duplicate utensils.
Coffee mugs. How many mugs do you really need? Keep your two favorites, donate the rest to a church, nursing home or non-profit organization.
Plastic containers. You know all those plastic containers sitting in that kitchen cupboard you never open because you're afraid the containers will come raining down on you? Yeah, most of those containers don't have matching lids anymore–so throw them away!
Vases. It's really nice of your husband to buy you flowers every now and then. The problem is that all the vases get placed under the sink–and then they're never seen again. Go look at them now—and give them to friends and neighbors.
Food. Did you know that canned goods expire? It's true. So go to the pantry and check the expiration dates on all those old cans of beans and pie filling.
Receipts. You keep them for tax purposes and for flexible spending accounts at work. Once they've served their purpose, throw them out.
Magazine. You keep telling yourself you're going to read them. You won't. Throw them out.
Books. It can be hard to part with books, especially the ones you really love. But in today's world, where books are available online, feel free to donate books to schools or hospitals.