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  • My name is JESSICA and I am a mother of 3 wonderful boys. My struggle with weight began after having children. I gained 100 lbs. with each child and after my last son was born I tried desperately to lose the weight only to fail time and time again. My life changed forever in August of 2004. After having Lap Band surgery I was able to lose 115 lbs.* in the first year. I went from a size 22 to a size 6. For once in my life, I felt under control. My weight stays within 5 pounds of my goal weight with minimal effort on my part. I am more active than I have ever been in my life. I am no longer an embarrassment to my family and in fact they are now proud to show me off! Getting a Lap Band is the single most important thing I have ever done for my family and myself. What a blessing it is to now be able to guide others through their weight loss journey. As a patient facilitator for BeLiteWeight, I will do my best to answer any questions and guide you through the entire process of making your dreams a reality.

    *See below