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  • My name is ISHI I had Lap Band Surgery July of 2003. At 4'11" and 225 lbs., I was about as big around as I was tall! My journey back to a healthier, happier "me" started the day I decided to investigate further this "new" procedure called "Lap Band Surgery." I hoped it would change my life and it did, more than I could have imagined! I lost over 100 lbs.* and have managed to maintain it. I am the proud 'grandma' of 5 active, little girls. I still remember what it was like to live life as an obese person; I felt the stares from the medical community I lived in (being married to a surgeon) and the unpleasant comments from the high school students I taught as a Teacher. They say "the best you can do for someone is what you mean to them," as a Patient Facilitator, it's my job to make sure you have the same wonderful experience that I had. I want to make everything run as smoothly as possible for you and share your successes and concerns before and after your surgery. It's so rewarding to watch my patients take steps towards a healthier life, knowing that I've been a part of their journey!

    *See below