Food Is No Longer My Enemy - A Weight Loss Success Story

All my life I have always been over weight.  Always the largest in my family, the largest of all my friends, and always had to order special sized clothes.  

My weight kept creeping up and up.  I was out of control with my eating and could not control my appetite at all.  I had tried everything from pills to shots, all the fad diets, but nothing helped.
The one thing that did change my life is when I discovered BeLiteWeight in 2012.  I did my homework and contacted previous patients about their surgeries, their experiences, the doctors, nurses etc. and everyone kept telling me the same thing over and over again "It was the best thing I ever did and changed my life".  I had my surgery on April 30, 2012 in Juarez Mexico.  I had gastric sleeve surgery and my doctors were Dr. Jose Rodriguez and Dr. Elmo Aramburo.

My surgery went well.  I had no problems or complications. From April 30, 2012 until present today I have lost over 230 pounds and I am still losing.  My highest weight I started out with before the surgery was well over 470 pounds, and I have lost 230 pounds and I am still losing.  

This surgery was a God send.  It literally saved my life, changed my life, changed my relationship with food, and it literally turned off the part of my brain that caused me to constantly over eat.  It took the uncontrollable need to eat at all hours of the day, it took the need to eat large vast amounts of food, and gave me a new lease on life.  I have totally changed how I eat, how much I eat, what I eat. I read labels now, look at ingredients, etc. and I am able to do things I have done in years.

I am able to move, stand, bend, exercise, and finally live the life that for so long was denied me. I am living for me now and food is no longer my enemy.

Procedure: Lap Band / Gastric Band Surgery
Surgeons: Dr. Jose Rodriguez Villareal & Dr. Elmo Aramburo